API Generic


Store is a type that represents an instance of the store created by either createStore or createScopedStore.

export type Store<T> = CreateStore<T>;


The Store type encapsulates all the methods and properties available on a store instance. It's a generic type that takes the shape of your store data as its type parameter.

Properties and Methods

A Store<T> includes the following methods:

  • set<P extends Paths<T>>(path: P & string, value: PathValue<T, P>, notify?: boolean): void
  • get<P extends Paths<T>>(path: P & string): PathValue<T, P>
  • update<P extends Paths<T>>(path: P & string, value: PathValue<T, P> | ((prev: PathValue<T, P>) => PathValue<T, P>), notify?: boolean): void
  • remove<P extends Paths<T>>(path: P & string, notify?: boolean): void
  • reset(notify?: boolean): void
  • use<P extends Paths<T>>(path: P & string): PathValue<T, P>


The Store type is primarily used when you need to type a variable or parameter as a store instance. This is particularly useful in TypeScript to ensure type safety when working with store instances.


import { Store, createStore } from '@devlab/store';
type UserStore = {
  user: {
    name: string;
    age: number;
const userStore = createStore<UserStore>({
  initialData: {
    user: {
      name: 'John Doe',
      age: 30
function updateUserName(store: Store<UserStore>, newName: string) {
  store.set('user.name', newName);
updateUserName(userStore, 'Jane Doe');
// In a React component
function UserProfile({ store }: { store: Store<UserStore> }) {
  const name = store.use('user.name');
  const age = store.use('user.age');
  return (
      <p>Name: {name}</p>
      <p>Age: {age}</p>

In this example, we use Store<UserStore> to type the store parameter in the updateUserName function and the store prop in the UserProfile component. This ensures that we're using the correct store instance with the expected shape and methods.