API Collection


The reset method resets the Map store to its initial state.

reset(notify: boolean = true): void


notifybooleanNoWhether to trigger re-renders for components subscribed to the store. Defaults to true.




The reset method resets the entire Map store to its initial state, as defined when the store was created. If notify is true (default), it will trigger re-renders in all components that are subscribed to any part of the store.


import React from 'react';
import { createMapStore } from '@devlab/store';
type UserData = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
const userStore = createMapStore<UserData>({
  initialData: new Map([
    ['user1', { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }]
function UserManager() {
  const users = userStore.useKeys().map(key => userStore.key(key).use());
  return (
        {users.map((user, index) => (
          <li key={index}>{user.name}, {user.age} years old</li>
      <button onClick={() => userStore.key(`user${users.length + 1}`).set({ name: 'New User', age: 25 })}>
        Add User
      <button onClick={() => userStore.reset()}>
        Reset to Initial State

This example demonstrates how to use the reset method to restore the Map store to its initial state, undoing all changes made since the store was created.


  • The reset method will remove all keys and values that were added after the store's creation.
  • It will also restore any modified values to their initial state.
  • If you need to clear the store completely, regardless of its initial state, use the clear method instead.