API Collection


The clear method removes all key-value pairs from the Map store.

clear(notify: boolean = true): void


notifybooleanNoWhether to trigger re-renders for components subscribed to the store. Defaults to true.




The clear method removes all key-value pairs from the Map store, effectively emptying it. If notify is true (default), it will trigger re-renders in all components that are subscribed to any part of the store.


import React from 'react';
import { createMapStore } from '@devlab/store';
type UserData = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
const userStore = createMapStore<UserData>({
  initialData: new Map([
    ['user1', { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }],
    ['user2', { name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28 }]
function UserManager() {
  const users = userStore.useKeys().map(key => userStore.key(key).use());
  return (
      <h2>Users: {users.length}</h2>
        {users.map((user, index) => (
          <li key={index}>{user.name}, {user.age} years old</li>
      <button onClick={() => userStore.key(`user${users.length + 1}`).set({ name: 'New User', age: 25 })}>
        Add User
      <button onClick={() => userStore.clear()}>
        Clear All Users

This example demonstrates how to use the clear method to remove all users from the Map store, resulting in an empty store.


  • The clear method removes all key-value pairs, including those that were part of the initial state.
  • After calling clear, the store will be completely empty, regardless of its initial state.
  • If you want to restore the store to its initial state instead of clearing it completely, use the reset method.